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The boxer / Simon & Garfunkel The boxer / Simon & Garfunkel I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles such are promises 내 얘기가 잘 알려진 건 아니지만 난 정말 불쌍한 소년이에요 헛된 말로 가득찬 그런 약속에 속아 주먹을 허비했어요 All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest .. 2010. 12. 15.
My First Mistake - Jennie Smith My First Mistake - Jennie Smith My first mistake was seeing you Right from the start, I guess I knew My second mistake was kissing you 'cause you chained my heart and my soul too Then I dropped all my friends 'cause I had only you on my mind You grew tired of me But I was too blind to see My last mistake was letting you go 'cause we'll never meet again and I still love you so... 2010. 12. 15.
Harry nilsson - without you No I can't forget this evening or Your face as you were leaving But I guess that's just the way the story goes You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows Yes, it shows 오늘밤 내 곁을 떠나가던 당신의 마지막 모습 영원히 잊을 수 없을 거예요. 하지만 이별이란, 살아가는 동안 한 번은 겪어야만 하는 아픔이겠지요. 당신의 미소 뒤에.. 2010. 12. 15.
IL Primo Bacio Che Daro IL Primo Bacio Che Daro (첫사랑 눈물) Sung By Gigliola Cinquetti Il primo bacio lo daròIl giorno che tu mi diraiChe vuoi restare insieme a meE che mai più mi lascerai Il primo bacio mi daraiE in un momento troverò Un mondo nuovo in fondo a me Che ad occhi chiusi ti daròSo che gli amori passano Ma per me tu sarai Il primo amore e l'ultimo Un altro non verrà E il primo bacio rester.. 2010. 12. 15.