Linda Gentille / Burning Flame
물건 구입에 대한 영어표현
1. 가게 점원이 주로 사용하는 표현 . May/Can I help you? = May I be of service? = What can I do for you? = Anything I can help you? .
Do you like this style? . How do you like this one? . How's this yellow one? . How about this teddy bear? . What do you think of these shoes? .
What's your budget? = How much can you afford/spend on it? = What price range do you have in mind? .
It's a real buy at that price. = It's a real bargain. = You made a good purchase. = This can't be beat. . This is the best thing money can buy.
2. 고객이 주로 사용하는 표현 . I'm looking for a suit. (in my size) . Show me another. . I need a shirt to match this pants. . I'd like to find a present for my son. .
Don't you have a larger/any cheaper one? . Do you have this one in other colors? . May/Can/(Would you mind if) I try it on? . How's the fit? . It fits me very well. . It's too big/loose for me. .
It's a little small/tight for me. . It doesn't fit me. . It looks good on you. = It becomes you. = It suits you well. = It goes well with your jacket.
3. 가격흥정에 대한 표현 . How much is it (altogether)/will it be/do I owe you/ dose it cost/are you asking? = What's the price? = How much do you ask/charge for this one? . Is that your bottom price? . Is the price firm/fixed? .
Will you come down a little? = Can you make it a little cheaper? = Could you cut/lower the price a little? = Can you give me a discount on it? . That's more than I can pay. = It's too expensive for me. = I can't pay that much. = It's a bit steep for me. = They're too rich for my blood. .
Can you offer me a little cheaper one? = Do you have anything less expensive? .
I can't afford more than $50. = I can spend about $50 on it. . I want to pay under $20.
4. 가격 지불에 대한 표현 . Cash or charge? = Will you pay in cash or charge it? = How will you be paying for it? .
Can I pay with credit cards? = Will you take credit cards? . Do you honor/accept traveler's checks?
5. 그 외의 표현들 . Would you wrap it for me? = Could you wrap it as a gift? . I've been short-changed. . I've got the wrong change. .
Let me have a receipt. = Would you receipt it for me? . Can I get a refund on this? = I'd like a refund on it.
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